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Ceramic & Silica Microspheres

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Technical characteristics of hollow ceramic microspheres (HCM)

Hollow Ceramic MicrospheresDENSITY
The bulk density HCM are 0.32 - 0.37 g/cc.
The bulk density doesn't increasing with spheres dispersivity even up to 100 microns. It is 25 - 30% less than that of other manufacturers.
This is done by the cycle of combustion the coal is 35% more than the high-temperature phase of a lengthy, and the cooling speed increased by 60% from passing flue gases through a special refrigerator. After such process the sphere's wall thickness is reduced by almost 40 - 55%. However, the strength of the wall is not decreasing, as the wall itself has very few defects.

However, the existence of HCM composed of a mixture of less than 60 microns and more than 250 microns limited and does not exceed 10%. Dimensions range is the fact that the original mixture no pronounced peak distribution, it offers a wide range of powders microspheres with narrow factional composition.
Commodity fraction: 1 - 100 microns; 1 - 500 microns; 100 - 500 microns;
The custom order may be has different fraction size in the range of 1 - 500 microns.

Thermal HCM - 0.06 W/mx�K at 20�C.
It is features the best, 25 - 30% resistance to the heat. This is because the fact that the comparable HCM size of our production is a thin shell (10% thickness), and a inside greater degree of dilution gas.

Limit strength of crushing - 3000-4800 psi.
HCM after flotation process are receiving special heat treatment at a temperature of 1600�C. This helps to make the destruction of sealed, because of the fragile surface defects HCM, as they isolate and remove debris from the mixture. This achieved permanency physical parameters HCM with further work with it. Moreover, after such a heat HCM not destroyed when imposing even in highly environment.

Technical characteristics of hollow silica microspheres (HSM)

Hollow Silica MicrospheresDENSITY
The bulk density HSM are 2.0 - 2.2 g/cc.

However, the existence of HSM composed of a mixture of less than 5 microns and more than 250 microns limited and does not exceed 10%. Dimensions range is the fact that the original mixture no pronounced peak distribution, it offers a wide range of powders microspheres with narrow factional composition.
Commodity fraction: 5 microns; 20 microns; 50 microns; 70 microns; 150 microns; 250 microns.
The custom order may be has different fraction size in the range of 1 - 250 microns.

HSM is cheaper than HCM. This is because the fact that the HSM has a thick shell (30% thickness).

Chemical compound: SiO2: 50-60%; Al2O3: 25-35%; Fe2O3: 1,5-5,0%; CaO: 0,1-1,5%; MgO: 0,1-1,5%; K2O: 0,2-2,9%; Na2O: 0,3-1,5%.

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