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Our mission - New standart of ecological safety

At Ekowool we consider it to be our responsibility for the environment of the Earth, for the creation of ecologically clean macro- and micro- climate all over the world. THE Mission of Ekowool Company IS the creation of ecologically friendly microclimate in buildings, offices, LIVING QUARTERS and vehicles. Our goal is to introduce and promote Ekowool materials - an ecologically safe, healthy alternative to cancer-causing Asbestos, DANGERS IN INHALING FIBERGLASS and Basalt fiber.

The creators of Ekowool named it the material of the 21st century. Indeed, this all-in-one ecologically friendly, heat-sound-electro-fire insulating material is perfect for the most difficult conditions. It was originally created for the aerospace industry, and today it finds more and more applications. Based entirely on the non-crystalline silica fibers, Ekowool has excellent working characteristics but unlike most of its competitors it does not contain any adhesive additives. That is very important because in case of fire it does not produce smoke and toxic gases.

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© 2015, EKOWOOL™